Creating the core messaging that defines a company or brand is essential to creating effective content, but often business owners don’t begin there. Rather, they jump right into creating content they think is reflective of their brand and what their customers want to hear. It’s only after they haven’t had the best results do they realize they probably need to go back to creating the foundation of messaging that the rest of their content will be built upon.
The Content Crafters has extensive experience in creating core messaging and messaging platforms that define who a business is and what they actually mean to their customers. Identifying those two key elements allow content to be created that will engage customers and drive profits.
Developing a content strategy is a great way to identify how to revise or use existing content. Existing messaging often can be tailored to appeal to specific customer segments or needs, so you don’t have to start from scratch. Or it can be adapted to be used in a specific delivery channel such as print, digital, broadcast, or social. Our content strategies are intended to align the channel the content is delivered on with where your customers already are, so they don’t have to go searching.
Regardless of whether you need to figure out how to best use the content you already have, or you need to create an entire messaging platform from scratch, The Content Crafters is here to help.